Elmer Net 1-7-22

Tonights Elmers were Bob KE6JGM and Steve AI6ZW


Tabitha KE6VHQ, Larry KN6PUR, Karen KN6MJS, Bob (Fisherman) KM6UGD, Earl KM6SPY, Rick KN6RBP also Gene K6EMF.

  1. Winter Field Jan 29th at Mary Henly Park, setup 7a, Event 11a, take down by 4p. It’s a great opportunity to see and learn, share, socialize with Elmers and volunteers.
  2. Talked about Earl‘s new backpack with travel radio and handmade antenna with ground plane. He gets out 60 miles with it. Earl KM6SPY a long time ham (don’t let the call sign fool you). He loves to share what he knows and what he’s working on.
  3. And a really great discussion on the meaning of signal quality and 5 x 9. Everyone got in on this topic and I’m patting myself on the back for asking such a simple question.

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